Dancing on cloud and Sparks Rental
Dancing on Clouds and Sparkular is a ‘Dramatic Effect” that adds style and romance to your first dance together as husband & wife. While their are several approaches to customizing your first dance, our Dancing on Clouds and Sparkular effect always captivates guests.
In almost all cases your guests are caught off guard and completely surprised when they experience this effect, especially if it is kept as a surprise.
In almost all cases your guests are caught off guard and completely surprised when they experience this effect, especially if it is kept as a surprise.
Important information
Be sure to contact your venue and ask them if they allow these types of effects in their venue.
Be sure to contact your venue and ask them if they allow these types of effects in their venue.
The Sparklers
Cold Spark Sparkler Fireworks are a newly introduced technology that uses no fire, flame, or dangerous combustibles to create beautiful showers of sparkles. Since there are no combustibles they are the safest way to shoot “fireworks” in a contained space, thus eliminating expensive fireworks permits, or just being banned from being used indoors all together. Since there is no combustion involved, there is very little to no smoke, no harsh smell, or dangerous residue left behind.
Cold Spark Sparkler Fireworks fixtures use a unique new technology that uses titanium granules to create a bright white shower of non flammable, cold sparks. The titanium granules are poured into the system and are ignited by a 5 volt charge within the fixture and are blown out by a fan. Machines can be run in intervals of 90 seconds between each firing and can be programmed to be synchronized to any aspect of an event. They can dance to music, or can create waves or any other effects that are desired.